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Influencer Marketing

Influencer Marketing focuses on using key social media influencers who have a voice to drive your brand’s message and inspire action on your targeted audience through authentic story telling and influencer generated content. Influencer Marketing works because of the high amount of trust that social influencers have built up with their following as a form of social proof.

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Power the voice of your Brand with our Top-Notch Influencers

Our team has handpicked trustable influencers across industries with impeccable records on higher engagement rates, genuine followers and credibility of their recommendation. We craft impactful campaigns with the right influencer to be the voice of your brand and help elevate your brand presence on a global scale. We design Influencer marketing campaigns that fit within your budget and deliver real results.

Quickly builds trust

Improves Brand awareness

Enriches Content Strategy

Effectively reaches target audience

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Spectrum of Influencers

The term β€˜influencer’ used to describe celebrity and social media elite. But the mass adoption of social media leveled the playing field to include bloggers, instagrammers, youtubers and even everyday consumers. As such, the industry is working to establish a common taxonomy to talk about influencers. Influencers can be identified among the following three types:


Actors, artists, athletes and social media stars. They have the highest reach on the influencer spectrum, with their influence driven by their celebrity (they tend to be brands in their own right). They have the lowest overall resonance when it comes to driving actions on behalf of a brand.


Professional bloggers, and YouTubers. They have the highest topical relevance on the spectrum, with category-specific influence – such as lifestyle, fashion or business.


Everyday consumers. They have the highest brand relevance and resonance on the spectrum of influencers, with influence driven by their personal experience with a brand and their strength of relationship with their networks.

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People Not Platforms!!

Influencer Marketing doesn’t come without its challenges. Here are a selection of items that are considered before executing any campaign

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Audience Demographics

Are their followers real? Is the engagement real? Where are the followers located, and what is their age and gender? It is important to ensure the Influencers audience reflects who you are looking to connect with. Our team of experts do all required research about the influencers.

The Influencer’s History

Has the Influencer promoted a competing brand? Have they expressed views that could damage your company? Brand safety is very important! Our experts check all the history about the Influencer and collect every minute information for the safety of your Brand.


The best work is inspired. So we are focused on sourcing Influencers that are genuinely interested in your products and/or services.At the end of the day, Influencer Marketing is all about the human connection.

Right Audience

Technology certainly plays a role in an effective Influencer Marketing campaign. It helps us identify suitable Influencers that have a relevant audience.

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Need help? Feel free to get in touch

Request a consultation to discuss how we can help your next Influencer Marketing Campaign!!
Contact Us: +91 8870706261 for personal assistance

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